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Shape Your Life the Way You Want It to Be with Key Elements of a Solid Life Strategy That Will Identify Your Life Goals!

Discover Who You Are

By Yadira Gonzalez Muñoz

Shape Your Life the Way You Want It to Be with Key Elements of a Solid Life Strategy That Will Identify Your Life Goals!

This piece of artistry is the first volume in a series of short poetry books written by Anthony (Tony) B. Wallace. A Light Destined to Shine contains a collection of poems that will take the reader on a roller coaster ride of emotions that will make the heart sing with passion one moment and the eyes fill with tears the next. This is this "struggling souls" life story through poetry.

A Life Destined to Shine Through the Eyes of a Struggling Soul!: A Book of Poetry in Motion

By Anthony B. Wallace

This piece of artistry is the first volume in a series of short poetry books written by Anthony (Tony) B. Wallace. A Light Destined to Shine contains a collection of poems that will take the reader on a roller coaster ride of emotions that will make the heart sing with passion one moment and the eyes fill with tears the next. This is this "struggling souls" life story through poetry.

We live in a world that seems to be crumbling around us and pain and despair is running rampant. A smile and three simple words have the power to change a person's day. Good Morning Friends is a collection of inspirational messages written to encourage people to weather their storms.

Good Morning Friends!: A Book of Inspiration for Your Day

by LaQuita Parks

We live in a world that seems to be crumbling around us and pain and despair is running rampant. A smile and three simple words have the power to change a person's day. Good Morning Friends is a collection of inspirational messages written to encourage people to weather their storms.

Butterfly In a Jar is about how I lost myself within the cracks of life and how taking control back over my life through life altering transformation allowed me to fly.

Butterfly in a Jar

by Kimberly Raven

Butterfly In a Jar is about how I lost myself within the cracks of life and how taking control back over my life through life altering transformation allowed me to fly.

All my life, I have been intrigued, amazed, fascinated, and stunned by the wisdom, strength, and tenacity of mature women.

How To Live Well Past 100 Years

by Mary Beal

All my life, I have been intrigued, amazed, fascinated, and stunned by the wisdom, strength, and tenacity of mature women.


A Dream of Stewards (Keys of Time Book 1)

by Yohann Martin


Poetic Praise is a body of work to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. They started me on this journey in 1987 when our church participated in a revival. While taking notes, I was prompted by the spirit to start writing poetry. It was later given to me, as poetic praise. To me, this was an honor from God and I am truly humbled.

Poetic Praise: A Collection of Heavenly Reflections

by Gwendolyn Johnson

Poetic Praise is a body of work to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. They started me on this journey in 1987 when our church participated in a revival. While taking notes, I was prompted by the spirit to start writing poetry. It was later given to me, as poetic praise. To me, this was an honor from God and I am truly humbled.

John and Eric become fast friends when Eric and his family move next door to John and his family. John is white and Eric is black. They are the same age with the same birthday and are in the same class. On the first day of school, Mrs. Shaw, the teacher, does a science lesson using soil and snowflakes to highlight the importance of these things as it relates to skin color.

My Neighbors Don't Look Like Me!

by Anthony B. Wallace (Author), LaQuita S. Parks (Author)

John and Eric become fast friends when Eric and his family move next door to John and his family. John is white and Eric is black. They are the same age with the same birthday and are in the same class. On the first day of school, Mrs. Shaw, the teacher, does a science lesson using soil and snowflakes to highlight the importance of these things as it relates to skin color.

How does a "simple" procedure leave a child crippled for life? No one knew that when I went into the hospital to have my tonsils removed that it would take me on a roller coaster ride that has not yet ended.

Walking Limitations

By LaQuita Parks

How does a "simple" procedure leave a child crippled for life? No one knew that when I went into the hospital to have my tonsils removed that it would take me on a roller coaster ride that has not yet ended.

 This manual is meant for the male child. When he has thoughts or questions and there are no positive male role models around, he can use this manual as a tool to advise him and guide him.

Things A Father Should Say: A Collection of Advice From Fathers to Sons

by Calvin T. Mann

This manual is meant for the male child. When he has thoughts or questions and there are no positive male role models around, he can use this manual as a tool to advise him and guide him.

This journey perhaps will enable you to seek your loved ones, for it is never too late. Linda P. Kornegay shares her love, hurt, determination, pain, and tears as she journeys through a 40-year search for her biological father.

Daddy Tears A Daughter's Search

by Linda Kornegay

This journey perhaps will enable you to seek your loved ones, for it is never too late. Linda P. Kornegay shares her love, hurt, determination, pain, and tears as she journeys through a 40-year search for her biological father.

This book is designed to help you in your own personal journey of self-development. No two people have the same journey, it is up to you to determine what works best for you and continue your work until you reach an understanding and get the results that you desire.

Do You Want To Be Whole?: Seven Steps To Living Mask-Free

by LaChelle Adkins

This book is designed to help you in your own personal journey of self-development. No two people have the same journey, it is up to you to determine what works best for you and continue your work until you reach an understanding and get the results that you desire.

Unknown Battlefields, The Footprints of a Soldier is an Anthology of true stories about the  unsung he ‘roes and she ‘roes of the Brotherhood. These men and women, with their families support, chose to stand on the front lines so that we could have the freedoms that we have today.  This collection of stories is a community service project and proceeds from books purchased  directly from Pa-Pro-Vi Publishing, will be donated to the VFW and Community Outreach  Programs that support healing through writing. The stories are deeply personal, honestly refreshing, thought provoking and certainly heart-felt.

"Unknown Battlefields!"- The Footsteps of a Soldier

Collection of Stories

Unknown Battlefields, The Footprints of a Soldier is an Anthology of true stories about the unsung he ‘roes and she ‘roes of the Brotherhood. These men and women, with their families support, chose to stand on the front lines so that we could have the freedoms that we have today. This collection of stories is a community service project and proceeds from books purchased directly from Pa-Pro-Vi Publishing, will be donated to the VFW and Community Outreach Programs that support healing through writing. The stories are deeply personal, honestly refreshing, thought provoking and certainly heart-felt.

Being a new parent is joyful and overwhelming. At times it seems that you may not know what you are doing. As new parents, you are learning on-the-job parenting skills.

Welcome Home Wynter Skye

by Valencia Weaver

Being a new parent is joyful and overwhelming. At times it seems that you may not know what you are doing. As new parents, you are learning on-the-job parenting skills.

It has been a long road for me to travel. The process of becoming a man happened long after I was of adult age. The mistakes I would make would create a resentment that I would harbor for the man that I looked at in the mirror every day. That sickness was like a cancer that chewed away my hopes, blurred my vision, and took away my voice.

Will Somebody Please Teach Me How To Be A Man?

By Anthony B. Wallace

It has been a long road for me to travel. The process of becoming a man happened long after I was of adult age. The mistakes I would make would create a resentment that I would harbor for the man that I looked at in the mirror every day. That sickness was like a cancer that chewed away my hopes, blurred my vision, and took away my voice.

This book is one that I labored over for years.  It provides very fundamental principles based on biblical references for establishing and maintaining a “perfect love” between a serious couple.

The Perfect Love

By N D "Indy" Brennan

This book is one that I labored over for years. It provides very fundamental principles based on biblical references for establishing and maintaining a “perfect love” between a serious couple.

The story of Veronica Dawson a PK (pastor’s kid), who frantically searches for potential husbands in all the wrong places—

The CATCH No One Wants

By Dr. Velma Bagby

The story of Veronica Dawson a PK (pastor’s kid), who frantically searches for potential husbands in all the wrong places—

Shape Your Life the Way You Want It to Be with Key Elements of a Solid Life Strategy That Will Identify Your Life Goals!

Discover Who You Are

By Yadira Gonzalez Muñoz

Shape Your Life the Way You Want It to Be with Key Elements of a Solid Life Strategy That Will Identify Your Life Goals!

© 2020 por I Am. Revista Internacional.

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